Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An Introduction...

I'm planning a trip for this December, and it will be the first time I've gone to WDW all alone. I've gone several times in the past - with my parents and siblings, with my high school choir. The last time I went was in the Spring of 2006 (almost 8 years ago!) when I was 18 - this year, I've decided to gift myself a trip with the help of some American Airlines frequent flier miles that expire at the end of the year.

There are a few reasons I want to take this journey. The first is that I've always loved Walt Disney World - even as a child and teenager. The next is that over the course of the last 8 years, I've followed blogs on the progress that the resort is making, and I want to see these changes for myself.

Leading up to my trip, I will explore more issues that I encounter with the planning, the logistics, and the overall spirit of my trip. I've looked through a lot of blog posts by Moms talking about planning their trips around their kids - what about the grown ups!  We need the love too!  I hope that my trip will not only be inspirational for other singles, but also for any adult who thinks that a trip to Disney is just for families with kids.

Join me on my journey!

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